I’ve recently read three substantial novels dealing with
strikes or similar struggles: Frank Norris’ The Octopus, Zola’s Germinal, and
now James Plunkett's Strumpet City. Strumpet City portrays the
lives of several characters affected by labor unrest culminating in a protracted
and devastating lockout. The characters are fictional, but the story is based
closely on events between the years 1904 and 1914 in Dublin. The characters
range from the destitute to the upper-middle-class but they concentrate on the
working poor. There's a lot of good
writing, vivid and often touching evocation of the city in strife. An important
character starves to death. The novel is constructed like the currently
fashionable genre of linked short stories. That is, sections of two to six pages
follow a character in third person narrative. Each section tends to be artfully
constructed with a beginning, middle, and end and a feeling of completion or
even illumination at the last. The overall structure is not so good — the book
has a feeling of being less than the sum of its parts. Important characters
appear two thirds of the way through, and the end rather fritters away. The
characters are not stereotypes exactly, but they're not richly endowed with
inner life or individuality. You come away with a sense of suffering imposed by
capitalist exploitation, and of the painful struggle that has brought us
somewhat improved conditions today. The book has a humanity: the author has
something good to show about every character and frequently shows how decent
human beings can be to one another when you might not expect it. The most
interesting characters are two men who have painfully mixed feelings in the
class struggle. One is a priest (The official church is very much opposed to
the labor movement.) who feels keenly the suffering of his parishioners and is destroyed
by his helplessness to act upon his feelings and the unfairness of their
treatment. The other is a member of the coupon-clipping class who gradually
moves over to the side of the workers.
It is interesting to compare this novel to Ulysses, which
takes place in 1904. Something like one third of the population of Dublin was
living in dire poverty at that time, but you would never know it from Ulysses,
which is mercilessly middle-class. Characters in Ulysses are hard up for money,
but it is in a middle-class way, not the edge of starvation. Both novels celebrate
the Dublin musical scene. Several characters are deeply involved in playing
music, and playing music together in households. Going to light operas and
similar performances is constantly in the background. The Lord Mayor of Dublin who
was also one of Molly's lovers is mentioned in this book. The time when I
thought most often of Joyce was in the sections devoted to any one of the three
priests that are important in Strumpet City. Reading their conversations and
their concerns about Catholic doctrine and their personal status, I felt I
could have been reading Joyce.